Site Integration Overview

This article provides an overview of integrating your e-commerce site with Creatable.

Integrating your e-commerce site with Creatable can be broken into 3 main categories;

  • Product Integration
  • Data Integration
  • Experience Integration

Below, we will cover each category in detail.

Product Integration

In order integrate your product catalog with Creatable, Creatable will provide you with an SFTP directory where you can deliver your product feed on a scheduled basis. At the agreed upon frequency (default: daily), Creatable will scan and ingest your products from this feed, adding new products and updating existing products with any changes.

In addition to the automated ingestion of products, products can be added/modified/removed manually via the Creatable dashboard as/when needed.

Data Integration

In order to achieve first party measurement and attribution for complete sales reporting on all Creatable generated sales, there are two pixels that you will be required to install on your site.

The first pixel is installed site-wide and enables the first party tracking of engagements on your site originating from Creatable provided link clicks (C-Links) on external platforms such as social media.

The second pixel is a conversion pixel that is installed on your order confirmation page and sends order information to Creatable so that sales originating from qualifying engagements with Creatable content can be attributed to the appropriate Creator, Content, and Campaign automatically.

Experience Integration

There are two aspects to integrating your e-commerce site with Creatable served shoppable creator content experiences; the Creatable gallery which consists of pages entirely served by Creatable, and the integration of shoppable creator content on existing pages of your e-commerce site.

Creatable Gallery

In order for Creatable to serve a gallery on your e-commerce site, you will need to provide two things; an endpoint for your header and footer, and a DNS integration such as a reverse proxy.

The header/footer endpoint can either be a blank page on your site that we use as a template, or it can be an endpoint that provides the javascript needed to render your header and footer. Both options are dynamic, meaning that updates to the header and footer on your site will likewise be reflected on the Creatable Gallery.

The reverse proxy is a setting on your CDN (such as Akamai or Cloudflare) wherein traffic to a designated subfolder on your site is forwarded to Creatable's CDN so that these pages can be served as part of your site.

Creator Content on Existing Pages

Creatable can also serve shoppable Creator content on existing pages on your site through widgets that are created and customized directly on the Creatable dashboard and commonly embedded on Product Detail Pages (PDPs) or on a brand's home page, or by utilizing the Creatable Content API to serve custom experiences in places such as site search, custom landing pages, etc.

If you have any questions about integrating your e-commerce site with Creatable, please reach out to us at