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  2. Guide for Developers

Team API


The Creatable Creator API enables you to access Creator metadata from your account.


Our API uses Basic Authentication, requiring an API username and API key for access. Ensure that both credentials are included in your request headers to authenticate successfully. They are available in the “Account”, “API Configuration” section of the dashboard.

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Use Cases

Use case: Creator entry points on digital experiences

Enable customers to contact, engage with, and browse Creators through managed experiences on any digital customer touchpoint. Examples can include the featuring of expert creators on brand or category pages on your ecommerce site, contacting an employee creator (such as a sales associate) on e-receipts or post-purchase messaging, “creators near you” on home or landing pages, and many more.

Use case: Create a directory of creators on your ecommerce site

Create a custom, searchable directory of creators on your ecommerce site allowing customers to browse and find creators that appeal to their shopping needs.

Sorting the output of creators by data-driven intelligence

You can utilize the Creatable API to sort and query creators based on first party performance metrics (see data dictionary for all metrics generated on the Creatable platform). Ensure that the highest performing creators (by engagement, conversion, etc.) are surfaced for any and all use cases.

Getting Started

Error Handling

There are 2 kinds of errors that you may encounter when using the explorer.

The first kind is a basic syntax error, meaning that the query in the left panel is somehow misconstructed. This is generally easy to fix and the error will be highlighted in red, on the left side of the row where the error exists. If you hover over the portion of the query statement, there will be a hint about the problem. In this case, the editor can see that this query is missing the curly bracket “{” at line 4.

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Once the error has been fixed, the editor will clear the error notice.

If you’ve been making a lot of edits to your query and it is syntactically correct, but looks like a mess, you can use the button “PRETTIFY” and it will make your query look much better.

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The second kind of error you may receive is if your query is syntactically correct, but the format is not understood by the schema of the API. The solution for this may require some additional help, so please feel free to reach out to our support team at support@creatable.io for assistance.

Data Definitions


Querying Team Users


  users(page: 1, per_page: 100) {


    items {






      attributes {







Querying Specific User


  users(filter: { employee_id: "13524642" }, page: 1, per_page: 1) {


    items {








Querying Specific Attributes


  users(page: 1, per_page: 100) {


    items {



      attributes(codes: ["acknowledge_agree_collect_info"]) {








Q: How do I get results in the API explorer?

A: Check out the Getting started section of this documentation, it explains how to use the explorer and provides a few example queries you can play around with. These queries may require additional input values in order to properly search or filter within your account, as every account is different. Also, if your account doesn’t have any content yet, then you won’t see any results.