Site Playbook

A brand’s guide to the applicable parts of the Creatable platform that enable you to plan, execute, and measure on-site shoppable content.

1 Managing content

All assets posted on the platform are managed in the Posts section of SITE, directly accessible from the dashboard menu.

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2 Creator content widgets

All content can be organized, presented, optimized and served to any part of a website by using embeddable widgets on the platform.

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Group content into a channel

Dynamic channels can be configured to serve assets on the following parameters.

Product filter

Moderation/Approval filter

Optimization algorithm




Best match

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Manual channels can be used to add and sort content as desired.

Create a widget

Name a widget and apply a channel.

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Customize your widget. Create your own embeddable shoppable video experience by customizing any of the following components.

General settings


Card overlay



Modal arrows


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Publish the widget, and then deploy via the provided embed code to implement on your site.

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Browse the content in the order served per your channel configuration.

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Clicking on the video triggers playback in a modal with matching products to add to cart. 

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3 Creator content gallery

A default content gallery will exist on your account, to be customized as desired. To run on site, simply configure your DNS to serve the content on a subfolder via a reverse proxy or on a subdomain via CNAME entry. Creatable can apply your header and footer via API endpoints that you provide.

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Brand creator gallery customization examples below.

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Each gallery contains a landing page and dedicated page for every video and photo, optimized for SEO.

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4 Creator storefronts

Each TEAM creator can have their own storefront, if desired. The storefront experience forms part of the Creator Content Gallery and is customized as part of the Gallery experience. The background hero image, profile photo and other parameters are customizable by the creator in the creator mobile and web-based applications.

Default creator storefront experience.

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Example brand customized creator storefront experience.

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Each gallery is fueled by  dynamic or manual channels, configured on the platform, just like widgets.

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Traffic is driven to the gallery by creators linking to their storefront from social media (as part of creator campaigns), and by linking from site header and footer or other marketing channels. You can link directly to each video and/or creator storefront page as desired via email and other marketing  campaigns.

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