1. Creatable Support
  2. Guide for Developers

Shoppable Content for Products XML Data Feed

The purpose of this document is to describe how to export videos and/or photos that are matched to your product catalog in XML format as a scheduled job.

The export of shoppable content as a scheduled job is used to generate a static file that contains the products with matched asset data in a format similar to an RSS feed. The resulting static file that is produced provides a lightweight set of metadata that can be ingested and utilized by 3rd parties or internally developed software applications. This allows for presentation of content that is matched with products in a custom way, as well as providing paths back to the canonical pages where the content is available on the web.

Data feed definition

The following section defines the data structure of the statically produced file.

<TITLE><![CDATA[ Canon EOS 500D Review ]]></TITLE>
           <![CDATA[We unwrap the Canon EOS 500D in this review. Accessories, usage, features, everything will be covered.]]></DESCRIPTION>

Within the <PRODUCTS></PRODUCTS> node, each relationship between a product and a piece of content is described as a <PRODUCT></PRODUCT> element, containing the following values:

SKU: This is the unique identifier for a product that has been ingested from the product catalog.

ASSET_ID: This is the unique identifier for the content that has been matched to the product.

TYPE: This indicates whether or not the asset is a video or a photo.

TITLE: This is the title of the asset.

DESCRIPTION: This is the description of the asset.

THUMBNAIL_LG: This is a URL describing a file resource for a large thumbnail image.

THUMBNAIL_SM: This is a URL describing a file resource for a small thumbnail image.

LINK_URL: This is a URL that represents the canonical location of the asset within the online store.

MEDIA_FILE: This is a URL describing a file resource for the asset itself. This will either be MP4 or JPG format.

Configuring a scheduled job

To enable this data feed, you must configure a scheduled job. To do this, visit the “Schedule manager” in the dashboard.

  2. Give the job a label, so it is easy to understand later the purpose/reason for the job.
  3. Select a frequency, default is daily and sufficient for almost all use cases.
  4. Select the types of assets you wish to export: All, only videos or only photos.
  5. Choose a filter: Matched (a product match created manually by a user), Primary Associated (the match has the “star” indicator selected) or Recommended (matches that our AI-powered recommendation engine has assigned).
  6. Select if you wish the feed to be active upon creation or disabled. For testing purposes, leave “Active” disabled, you can always run the job ad-hoc from the main screen.

Once you have completed these steps, click “Save” and you’re done. When the job runs, it will place a file into your static assets folder, accessible from this URL pattern:
