Social Playbook

A brand’s guide to the applicable parts of the Creatable platform that enable you to plan, execute, and measure Influencer Marketing Campaigns.

1 Campaign objectives

Campaigns can be created to support all of the following use cases, with or without the delivery of promoted products to gift to creators and/or support content creation.

  • Influencer content for social media brand awareness, reach and engagement
  • Influencer on-site content for engagement and sales
  • Influencer cross-funnel content for social and site
  • Creator-produced content for other channels


2 Creator sourcing

Search and select creators from the Creatable-verified network.

  • Type (celebrity, mega, macro, micro, nano)
  • Creator niche
  • Creator demographics
  • Creator audience demographics
  • Other parameters


3 Creator approval

Control and manage all creators approved for any campaign.

  • Moderate each application
  • Auto-approve trusted invitees


4 Campaign details

  • Campaign spots
    • Create spots on campaign at different rates for different creators/creator types
    • Apply the same or different requirements per spot, as desired
  • Campaign brief summary
    • Campaign goals
    • Target market
  • Campaign requirements
    • Content requirements
    • Social post requirements
      • Deliverable
        • Instagram
          • Reel
          • Story
          • Static post
        • Tiktok
        • Pinterest
        • Youtube
          • Short-form
          • Long-form
        • Facebook
          • Story
          • Post
        • Twitter (X)
        • Threads
      • Hashtag(s)
    • Timeline requirements
  • Product(s) to promote
    • Select from product feed
    • Add new product(s)
  • Product Delivery
    • Coupon code
    • Reimbursement
    • Direct shipment
      • Input inventory
      • Direct shipment


5 Creating lists to invite from search

  • Search profiles
    • Demographics
    • Performance
    • Keywords
  • Add creators to list


6 Sending invitations from the platform

  • By list
  • By email
  • By influencer account


7 Manage creator applications

  • Campaign messaging with each candidate
  • Negotiate budget (as applicable)
  • Negotiate content rights (as applicable)
  • Approve, reject or add to waitlist


8 System-generated messaging 

  • Creators receive communications at each of the following steps throughout the workflow.
    • Creator invited to campaign
    • Creator approved
    • Creator waitlisted
    • Creator rejected
    • Creator content approved
    • Creator content changes requested
    • Creator social post approved
    • Creator social post changes requested
    • Creator comment/message notification
    • Creator participation canceled
  • Brand admin / agency receives communications at each of the following steps throughout the workflow.
    • Application received
    • Shipping information confirmed
    • Product selection confirmed
    • Content submitted
    • Social post submitted
    • Comment/message notification


9 Confirm product delivery

  • Creator product selection
    • SKU 
    • Size
    • Color
    • Other variants 
  • Order product
  • Track shipment


10 Manage content submissions & deadlines

  • Message creators to confirm delivery date
  • Send follow up message to ensure timely submission
  • Replace drop outs from waitlist (as applicable)